• 8. ročník

        • Milí ôsmaci od dnešného dňa 30.3. 2020 budete dostávať  úlohy  z ANJ na vaše osobné e-maily, prosím sledujte ich. Ďakujem.

          Útorok, 24. 3. 2020

          Hello everyone, how are you keeping up these days? I think we have done a lot of writing so far, so we should relax more.  Why don´t you read an article about young sporting stars in SB p.10 and do ex. 2 into your exercise book. Don´t forget to enjoy your day too:)

          Streda, 25. 3. 2020

          Hello again. We did a lot of theaory, let´s practise. Do you still have difficulty to recognise the correct tens? Try these exercises, do it on your own, otherwise it has no sense. I am sure you will do well.

          Fill in the blanks with PRESENT CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PRESENT:

          1. The children ………………………….. (play) outside now.

          2. She usually ………………………. (read) the newspaper in the morning.

          3. I …………………………… (do) my homework now.

          4. I ………………………… (eat) my dinner now.

          5. ……………………………. (you / want) a pizza?

          6. They …………………………….. (watch) TV now.

          7. I ……………………………. (not / like) spaghetti.

          8. The baby …………………………. (sleep) now.

          9. My mother usually …………………. (cook) dinner in the evening.

          10. He …………………….. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

          11. She ………………………. (not / like) football.

          12. Mary ………………………….. (listen) to music now.

          13. Tom usually ……………………(drink) coffee, but he …………………. (drink) tea now.

          14. We ………………………. (go) to the disco tonight.

          15. ………………………… (he / go) to work by bus everyday.

          Complete the sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

          1. Susan usually ………………. (go) to school by bus, but now she....................(go)  to school by train.

          2. Mary often ……………….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she

          ………………………. (not / read).

          3. The boys usually ………………… (ride) their bikes to school. They …………….

          ………………… (like / ride) their bikes. They ……………… (be) very naughty

          boys. They always …………………… (go) to school late. Today their teacher

          …………………. (be) very angry, because they ………………… (be) late again.

          4. Mary ……………………….. (like / eat) sweets. Every morning she …………….

          (have) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends

          often ……………….. (eat) sweets or ice-cream. She ……………………… (not /

          like / eat)  fruit or vegetables. She ……………………… (eat / never) eggs or

          cheese. Today she ………………….. (be) sick. She …………………… (sleep)

          in her room now.

          Do you remember the prepositions? Let´s see how good you are:

          Use a preposition ( ON, IN, AT, BY ) in each blank:

          a. Jane goes to work …………………. bus.

          b. My birthday is …………………. March.

          c. We are going to meet …………… 4:00 p.m.

          d. Students must go to school …………….. weekdays.

          e. Do you do play tennis ……………….. the weekend?

          f. His birthday is ………………… November 5th .

          g. We have art lesson ……………. Mondays.

          So how did you do?  More practice is on Alf .

          Štvrtok, 26. 3. 2020

          O hi again:) Today is a reading day. Go on p. 13 in SB and read about Greetings, Earthlings. If this is not enough for you , than find something more what you like to read.

          Piatok, 27. 3. 2020

          Hi, finaly Friday! Finish everything you haven´t done during the week. Don´t forget about Alf.  Write me an e-mail about :How are you keeping up in these days. What do you do not to be bored. If you need help, have a look on p. 11 in SB. I would like to enjoy my weekend so please send me your e-mail to Friday till 8 pm. Enjoy your weekend too.

          Pondelok, 23.3.2020

          Skontroluj si cvičenia ktoré si robil minulý týždeň a oprav si chyby farebným perom..

          SB 6/4:  1. competitor, 2. track, 3. athlete, 4. players, 5. stadium, 6. match, 7. pitch

          SB 8/ 1:  1.PS, 2.PP, 3.PC, 4. PP, 5. PS, 6. PC, 7. PP, 8. PS, 9. PC

          SB 8/2:  1d, 2a, 3h, 4c, 5f, 6b, 7e, 8g

          SB 8/3:  1. is crying, 2. He´s watching, 3. I´ve lost, 4. Does he watch, 5. haven´t tried,                                                  6. haven´t seen

          SB 8/4:  2. starts, 3.leave, 4. I´m having, 5. is doing, 6.do/go, 7.are playing

          SB 9/5:  1d, 2c, 3g, 4h, 5b, 6a, 7e, 8f

          SB 9/6:  1. has had, 2. watches, 3. doesn´t want, 4. play, 5. haven´t read

          SB 9/7:  2. have /wanted, 3. has dyed, 4. Have/ heard, 5. Have / drunk, 6. have lived,                                                      7. has / sent, 8. haven´t met

          WB 6/1:  2.PC, 3.PP, 4.PC, 5.PS, 6.PC, 7.PP, 8.PS, 9.PS, 10.PP

          WB 6/2:  1b, 2c, 3a

          WB 6/3:  1. I´m training, 2. have done, 3. doesn´t like, 4. I´ve never played, 5. he´s watching,                    6. want, 7. I´m wearing, 8. wears

          WB 6/4:  1. I have had, 2. Have you been, 3. she hasn´t run, 4. He has always wanted,                                   5. Has he bought, 6. I have not been

          WB 7/5:   1. studying, 2. finished, 3. done, 4. doing, 5. need, 6. forgotten, 7. don´t think,                          8. texted, 9. studied

          WB 7/6:  1. revised / hasn´t , 2. done / has, 3. received / have, 4. studied / haven´t

          WB 7/7:  1f, 2d, 3a, 4h, 5c, 6b, 7i, 8g, 9e

          WB 8/2:  1. Since he was 11 or 12., 2. He has climbed more than 80 of the world´s tallest              buildings., 3. Yes, when he did the advertising for Spiderman., 4. Yes, he has             had five serious falls., 5. Because he has no permission to climb., 6. We don´t                    know.

          Na stránke ALF sú zadané cvičenia! Pracuj svojim tempom. Postupne budem pridávať cvičenia.

          8. ročník, (11.3. - 13.3. 2020)

          WB: 5/1,2    SB: 6/4

          Pondelok, 16.3.2020

          Poprosím žiakov do konca týždňa 22.3. do 20 hod. na e-mail: andrea.opat@gmail.com poslať vypracovanú prácu na tému: Môj šport, na prekontrolovanie, tento materiál použijete k ústnej skúške dľa dohody ktorá prebehla v škole, nesplnenie úlohy budem hodnotiť známkou 5.

          SB: 6/4 poslať správne odpovede na e-mail do 16.3. do 20 hod.

          Spracovať poznámky: Present simple (opakovanie) napíš všetko čo vieš o Present simple, čerpaj z knihy, zošita, internetu, poznámky zaslať do 17.3. do18 hod. na môj e-mail.

          HW - SB: 8/ 1,2,3,4 do zošita a správne odpovede zaslať na e-mail do 17.3. do 18 hod.


          Útorok, 17. 3. 2020

          Spracovať poznámky: Present continuous (opakovanie) napíš všetko čo vieš, čerpaj z knihy, zošita, internetu, poznámky zaslať+ SB: 9/ 5,6,7 - odpovede  do 18.3. do18 hod. na môj e-mail.


          Streda, 18. 3. 2020

          Spracovať poznámky: Present perfect (opakovanie) napíš všetko čo vieš, čerpaj z knihy, zošita, internetu, poznámky zaslať+ WB: 6 / 1,2,3,4 odpovede  do 19.3. do 18 hod. na môj e-mail.


          Štvrtok, 19. 3. 2020

          WB: 7/ 5,6,7   8/2  odpovede zaslať do 20. 3. do 18 hod.


          Piatok, 20. 3. 2020

          Písomná práca na úvahe: Môj šport. Zaslať do 22. 3. 2020 do 20 hod.