• 9. ročník

        • Milí deviataci od dnešného dňa 30.3. 2020 budete dostávať  úlohy  z ANJ na vaše osobné e-maily, prosím sledujte ich. Ďakujem.

          Utorok, 24. 3. 2020

          Hello everyone, how are you keeping up these days? Your sentences you sent me yesterday were much better.  I think we have done a lot of writing so far, so we should relax more.  Why don´t you read an article about Bullying  in SB on p.10 and 11 and do ex. 1 into your exercise book. Devide words into appearence and character.  Don´t forget to enjoy your day too:)

          Streda, 25. 3. 2020

          Hello again. We did a lot of theaory, let´s practise. Do you still have difficulty to recognise the correct tens? Try these exercises, do it on your own, otherwise it has no sense. I am sure you will do well.

          Fill in the blanks with PRESENT CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PRESENT:

          1. The children ………………………….. (play) outside now.

          2. She usually ………………………. (read) the newspaper in the morning.

          3. I …………………………… (do) my homework now.

          4. I ………………………… (eat) my dinner now.

          5. ……………………………. (you / want) a pizza?

          6. They …………………………….. (watch) TV now.

          7. I ……………………………. (not / like) spaghetti.

          8. The baby …………………………. (sleep) now.

          9. My mother usually …………………. (cook) dinner in the evening.

          10. He …………………….. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

          11. She ………………………. (not / like) football.

          12. Mary ………………………….. (listen) to music now.

          13. Tom usually ……………………(drink) coffee, but he …………………. (drink) tea now.

          14. We ………………………. (go) to the disco tonight.

          15. ………………………… (he / go) to work by bus everyday.

          Complete the sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

          1. Susan usually ………………. (go) to school by bus, but now she....................(go)  to school by train.

          2. Mary often ……………….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she

          ………………………. (not / read).

          3. The boys usually ………………… (ride) their bikes to school. They …………….

          ………………… (like / ride) their bikes. They ……………… (be) very naughty

          boys. They always …………………… (go) to school late. Today their teacher

          …………………. (be) very angry, because they ………………… (be) late again.

          4. Mary ……………………….. (like / eat) sweets. Every morning she …………….

          (have) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends

          often ……………….. (eat) sweets or ice-cream. She ……………………… (not /

          like / eat)  fruit or vegetables. She ……………………… (eat / never) eggs or

          cheese. Today she ………………….. (be) sick. She …………………… (sleep)

          in her room now.

          Do you remember the prepositions? Let´s see how good you are:

          Use a preposition ( ON, IN, AT, BY ) in each blank:

          a. Jane goes to work …………………. bus.

          b. My birthday is …………………. March.

          c. We are going to meet …………… 4:00 p.m.

          d. Students must go to school …………….. weekdays.

          e. Do you do play tennis ……………….. the weekend?

          f. His birthday is ………………… November 5th .

          g. We have art lesson ……………. Mondays.

          So how did you do?  More practice is on Alf .

          Štvrtok, 26. 3. 2020

          Hello.....It's me.....I was wondering if after all these years....You'd like to meet...To go over.....Everything ....la la la la....

          Why don´t you sing your favourite song too, or you can just listen to it and meanwhile you listen to your song, you can work with a SB today.

          Go on p. 12, write the vocabulary  from ex. 1 into your exercise book and try to translate them into Slovak. Any dictionary or google translator will be at your service:)

          Well the song is longer than you need for the exercise. Could you rewrite the Grammar:articles - notes into your exercise book? It´s on the  p. 12, in the left bottom of the page in a green box.  That´s it for today.  Enjoy your day.


          Piatok, 27. 3. 2020

          Hello, finaly Friday! Finish everything you haven´t done during the week. Don´t forget about Alf.  Watch a film, serial or whatever on youtube in English. Enjoy your weekend !

          Pondelok, 23.3.2020

          Skontroluj si cvičenia ktoré si robil minulý týždeň a oprav chyby farebným perom.

          Nezabúdaj pracovať na Alfovi.

          SB 5/7:  1. enjoying, 2. are sitting, 3.are watching, 4. are eating, 5. have, 6. goes, 7. like,                            8. prefer, 9. don´t have, 10. I´m wearing, 11. think, 12. take off, 13. go

          SB 6/1a:  1. a pitch, 2. a course, 3. a court, 4. an alley, 5. a ring, 6. a track, 7. a pool, 8. a rink

          SB 6/1c:  1. football, 2. volleyball (tennis), 3. squash, 4. golf, 5. table tennis, 6. hockey, 7. badminton, 8. ice hockey

          SB 9/4:  1. have left, 2. has stopped, 3. has been

          SB 9/5:  3. Her parents have grounded her., 4. She hasn´t watched TV., 5. Beth and her                              friends have cleaned the house., 6. Rich has repaired the dog., 7. Beth and her               friends haven´t gone to the cinema., 8. Her parents have stopped her pocket                   money.

          SB 7/4 a:  I love plying tennis., I enjoy swimming., I´m not interested in other sports., I´m                  really into sports., I like to keep fit., I can´t stand sport., I hate playing hockey.,                      I like going shopping., I adore looking..., I don´t mind sport., I like playing                football., I´m not very good at it., I really like playing PC games.

          SB 7/4b:  nebola správne urobená a preto doplň nasledujúce vety:

          vety urob rozvynute, na miesto bodiek doplň minimálne 3 slová, vety prepíš do zošita a pošli na e-mail do 23.3. do 18 hod.

          I love........    I enjoy........   I´m not interested in .......    I´m really into.........   I can´t stand....... I hate..........    I like.........  I adore..........   I don´t mind..........  I´m not very good at..........                           I really like.........

          Streda, 18. 3. 2020 + Štvrtok, 19. 3. 2020

          Hlbšie spracovanie poznámok: Present simple, Present continuous, Present Perfect, vypracuj detailné poznámky, príklady, forma, signal, words, výnimky,use....udaj zdroj z akej web stránky si čerpal, spracované poznámky pošli vo worde na e-mail ,alebo odfoť ich v zošite a pošli na e-mail. (Kľudne použi web.stránky ktoré som vám odporúčala na precvičovanie)

          SB: 9/4, 5, treba si prečítať článok na str.8

          Všetky poznámky a úlohy zaslať na e-mail do 20.3 do 20 hod.

          Na stránke ALF máte zadané cvičenia. Pracuj na nich počas výučby doma. Postupne tam budem pridávať.

          Piatok, 20. 3. 2020

          Likes and dislikes: napíš všetky formy aké nájdeš na internete, v knihe, zošite, na každe slovo napíš vetu. Príklad: I love relaxing on the sofa infront of TV every Friday evening.

          SB: 7/ 4a,b - vypracuj do zošita

          SB: 7/ 5, 6 - vytvor otázky, čo najviac , cvičenia 5, 6a,b sú príklady ako, otázky budeš tvoriť na obrázky z cvičenia 5: shopping, computer games, winter sports, music, books, animals, water sports, roller coasters.  Tvor iba otázky!  Na každé vytvor 10 otázok!

          Príklad: Fashion - Do you like fashion? Why do you like it? Who is your favourite fashion designer? When did you start to be interested in fashion? Can you name any world known models? Which country is good at fashion? Is fashion important for you?  Do young people think  that fashion is important nowadays? Would you like to work for a famous fashion designer?  Where can I study fashin designe?

          Úlohy pošli vo worde na e-mail ,alebo odfoť ich v zošite a pošli na e-mail do 22.3. do 18 hod.


          9. ročník, (11.3. - 13.3. 2020)

          PL, ktorý dostali na hodine, SB:5/7   6/1a, 1c

          Pondelok, 16.3.2020

          Poprosím žiakov poslať mi správne odpovede z minulého týždňa na moj e-mail: andrea.opat@gmail  do 17.3. do 20 hod. cvičenia  SB 5/7  6/1a, 1c, nesplnenie úlohy budem hodnotiť známkou 5.

          Napíš prácu na tému: This is my life. V práci opíš seba, svoje koníčky, záľuby.....všetko čo sa týka tvojho života, tvoj režím dňa, negatíva.....Podobné ako dialóg ktorý nám predviedol Matej a Samo na hodine. Budeš písať iba o sebe a svojom živote. A-čkovy študent napíše prácu na 200 slov, B-čkovy študent- napíše prácu na 150 slov. Práce prosím zaslať na moj e-mail  do 17.3. do 20 hod.


          Útorok, 17. 3. 2020

          Spracovať poznámky: Present continuous a Present Perfect  (opakovanie) napíš všetko čo vieš, čerpaj z knihy, zošita, internetu, poznámky zaslať do 18.3. do 20 hod. na môj e-mail.